is a collaboration of two young artists, Alex Zavaglia and Anthony Ciardulli. Their two most cherished mottos are, “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it” and “when they zig, you zag”. It’s this seemingly contradictory philosophy that has led them to a career in filmmaking, and made them completely inscrutable to their friends.
Their relationship first began on a cold February morning in 1973. Specifically the 27th. Anthony had just been brought in to the birthing room where Alex, having been born two days earlier, was comfortably settled. However, as one might assume the two didn’t really spend a lot of time getting to know each other. Although they were born two days apart in the same hospital, neither has any recollection of the other. But sources at the hospital say they remembered the two babies being very competitive for the attention of the lovely nurses on duty. Quickly that uneventful first meeting came and went with little fanfare.
Years passed and their paths crossed again during a very complicated time for both of them. That’s right, High School. Although, there was no recollection of their first meeting, they both felt that they had met before. They spent two years in high school together where not a single conversation relating to movies, let alone making movies, ever took place. After two years, fate split them up for the second time. Anthony went on to be a basketball star at another high school (18 points in the finals but that’s another story). And Alex went to Brazil for a year to study Spanish (only to learn that they speak Portuguese; he too played some basketball while he was there. But unfortunately, he wasn’t any good).
Both men could honestly say, that in the years that they were apart, neither had even a passing thought of the other. Out of sight and out of mind was never a more apt description of a relationship. But destiny had one more card up it’s sleeve.
Once again their paths crossed. This time it was during their freshmen year in University. And as they say, “the third time’s a charm!”. Rather than talk about their very different basketball careers, the two struck up a conversation about figuring out a way to drop out of college with some semblance of a back-up plan. The answer was simple. The one thing they could think of that didn’t require a university degree. They would make movies.
Today, Alex and Anthony are the authors of 4 feature length screenplays, and the producers of their first of many feature length films. And while Anthony and Alex have given up on some of their early dreams, namely, playing professional basketball and learning Spanish, they are both dreaming a brand new dream. Making movies together for a very long time.
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